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On "Founders" of Religion
Theosophy: "But we must resume the thread of our narrative with
Buddha. Neither he nor Jesus ever wrote one word of their doctrines." (Isis Unveiled
II, p. 559) "Our examination of the multitudinous
religious faiths that mankind, early and late, have professed, most assuredly indicates
that they have all been derived from one primitive source. ...Combined, their aggregate
represents one eternal truth; separate, they are but shades of human error and the signs
of imperfection." (Isis Unveiled, II, p. 639) |
Neo-Theosophy: "According to this view, the Founders
of the great religions are members of the one Brotherhood . . . As Theosophy of old
gave birth to religions, so in modern times does it justify and defend them." (Annie
Besant, Ancient Wisdom, pp. 3, 5) ". . . the Guardians of humanity . . .
From time to time, one of them comes forth into the world of men, as a great religious
teacher, to carry on the task of spreading a new form of the Eternal Verities, a form
suitable to a new race or civilization. Their ranks include all the greatest Prophets of
the Faiths of the world, and while a religion lives one of these Great Ones is ever at its
head, watching over it as His special charge." (Annie Besant, The Masters, p. 52
Adyar edition, p. 79 Krotona edition) |