Published by The Blavatsky Archives Online. Online Edition copyright 1999.
Psychological Experiences
[Part II]
by C. Ramiah
[First published in Supplement to The Theosophist,
October, 1884, pp. 138-139.]After identifying the Mahatma of my dreams with the Mahatma K. H., whose picture graces the shrine at Adyar Head-quarters (as mentioned in the September number of the Theosophist), I resolved to call to my mind the form of the Mahatma, and after a few determined trials I succeeded in impressing my mind with his exact features, not omitting even the Buddhists gown and bare feet. I willed this often, and each time the features became more and more clearly defined. At one time the Mahatma appeared seated, oftentimes standing, and on a few occasions he appeared standing on an elevated place; and in my efforts to approach him from the low land, in which I then fancied I was, he extended his hand as if to help me in climbing up. All the above were visions in open day time during my hours of prayer, and they were not dreams.
As time rolled on I observed the features of the Mahatma to wear an expression of sorrow, and this I thought was due to my sinful life.
A change, however, came over me soon, and to my extreme regret I perceived that mental clouds intervened between the Mahatma and me, hiding him altogether from my view; and they followed each other in rapid succession. When they were dispersed by an effort of the will, the internal light which enabled me to see the Mahatma with my minds eye became so intense and displayed such variegated colors, that I was not able to see any thing. On other occasions this same internal light became so unsteady that an effort to see him pained the minds eye.
I felt very sorry for the above interruption, when one day, while in prayers, I perceived a ray of light of golden hue shine within me, and as I followed it, it grew in intensity, and the golden hue was diffused all over in me. It did not however stop here, and it extended itself to the whole earth, and even went beyond it, lighting up as far as the minds eye can reach or comprehend. In this light I perceived worlds moving and all sorts of matter and human and other forms moving in this ocean of light. The vision was splendid to behold, and after a lapse of about five minutes the light gradually contracted itself to the original single ray, and in the light which it diffused, I perceived the sublime and glorious form of the Mahatma. I must, however, add here that so long as this ray of light of golden hue was seen by me, neither the clouds, nor the intensely strong light with variegated colors, nor unsteadiness of light, disturbed the vision.
I have no control over this splendid ray of light as it appears when I am unaware, and does not appear when I want it to appear. Its duration is also not fixed nor its intensity either.
I mentioned all this to my esteemed friend Mr. Soobba Row, and he advised me to see well and distinguish what objects I saw in that glorious light, and I did not waste the advice.
One day while at prayers the golden ray of light appeared, and in seeing through it I perceived the figure of the Mahatma; and as I found my minds eye upon him he receded. I followed him, and steadily he walked over an ascent, and then I perceived that a mountainous country was at hand. He went up mountains and down again, now turning to the right and then to the left, until at last he came upon a broad river and then disappeared. Instinctively I walked alongside of the bank of the river in the hope of finding a ford, and came to its narrowest part. There was a rude bridge of reeds here spanning the river, and trusting myself to the protecting care of the Mahatma, who brought me so far, I made a venture, and before I was aware of my dangerous position, I found myself on the other side. Here was up and down hill work again, and when I perceived that I was much exhausted, a large lake was disclosed to my view, the margin of which was graced with clusters of beautiful trees, with a sprinkling of rudely built houses on the shore; and on my nearer approach I perceived they were inhabited. (1)
Thirsty and hungry, I ventured into the house nearest to me, and with one voice all the inmates greeted me and made me participate in their meals. After this, they clothed me in a gown and hood of pale yellow color, and after similarly clothing themselves, they took me to the rock temple in "Husthagerry" (described in the September number of the Theosophist) where to my surprise and infinite joy I found the Mahatma K. H. seated before the altar on the same low stool as before. We all prostrated before him, and thus ended this interesting vision.
About the latter part of last August I was in prayers as usual when the golden ray of light having appeared the Mahatma stood in it in all his glory. He receded again, and I followed him close, and after traversing the same path over mountains as before, he disappeared at the lake. There were no persons living on the borders of the lake and the houses were all empty. Without knowing the why or the wherefore I tried to reach the rock temple, but I missed my way. After traversing many mountains and dangerous valleys, I came upon a broad tableland and at some distance I perceived a cluster of fine tall trees beneath the shadow of which there stood a neat house facing eastward. Thither I went, and at its entrance I saw Mahatma K. H. seated alone, and my mind told me it was his own house. I mentioned this curious vision to Mr. Damodar K. Mavalankar, and he told me that I must try and see what more I can; and this resolve I at once made. (2)
Three or four days after this interview, the same vision appeared to me, and facing the house of the Mahatma K. H. there appeared another cluster of trees with a house under, with a distance of about a mile or two between the houses; and there was also a small temple with a circular dome half way between them. This other or second house I learnt by intuition belonged to another Mahatma.(3)
There was no exchange of words between the Mahatma and myself in any one of the visions.
I am sorry I am not an artist or I would have sent you a sketch of the scenery of the two houses with the picturesque temple half way between the houses.
4th September, 1884Endnotes
(1) The correspondent could not have described the place more accurately, if he had seen it physically. If he had persevered a little and gone further, only a short distance, he might have seen a certain place allowed to be visited only by initiates. Perhaps to prevent his approaching it his course might have been diverted on the way. -- Editor.
(2) This is a correct description, as far as it goes, of the house of the MAHATMA. -- Editor. (3) This description corresponds to that of the house of the other MAHATMA, known to Theosophists. -- Editor.